In Defense of Application-Based Depth: Learn Graph Theory from Textbooks

In today’s digital age, professors often lament the shift towards online resources, noting a preference for quick answers and shortcuts among students. However, from my experience in academic publishing, we have heard from countless professors about the importance of textbooks, especially in intricate subjects like engineering graph theory. Professors frequently voice frustration over students’ preference …

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The Foundation of Intellectual Inquisitiveness for Students is A Textbook: Here’s Why

The Foundation of Intellectual Inquisitiveness for Students is A Textbook: Here’s Why

In today’s digital era, the significance of textbooks cannot be overstated. Despite the widespread availability of online information, textbooks remain essential for fostering comprehensive understanding and cognitive growth. As we enter the Digital Age, there’s a common misconception that books will become obsolete due to the abundance of online information. However, this notion couldn’t be …

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