In Defense of Application-Based Depth: Learn Graph Theory from Textbooks

In today’s digital age, professors often lament the shift towards online resources, noting a preference for quick answers and shortcuts among students. However, from my experience in academic publishing, we have heard from countless professors about the importance of textbooks, especially in intricate subjects like engineering graph theory. Professors frequently voice frustration over students’ preference …

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Innovate, Protect, Prosper: Scientific Patents & Material Science

Intellectual Property is a big topic in academic publishing. Most academic researchers strive to make breakthroughs and discoveries. It is important for the sake of societal progress to protect their intellectual property. Without appropriate protection, society will not move forward in a systematic and organized way, as discoveries will not happen in a systematic way …

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Effective Study Tips for University Students by Pallavi Ghosh

Strategic Study Planning: Applying Operations Research for Exam Success Let’s all take a moment to acknowledge something we all know too well: exam season can feel like a whirlwind of stress and sleepless nights. As someone who was a student not long ago, I know the feeling of being so confused about where to start. …

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Libraries as Cultural Sanctuaries of our Community’s Collective Wisdom – By Pallavi Ghosh

As a book enthusiast, libraries hold a special place in my heart. They offer not only a quiet haven for reading but also boast fascinating histories, beautiful architecture, and thriving communities. In a world where knowledge is power, libraries stand as vital centres of learning with a diverse range of resources, from library books to …

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The Foundation of Intellectual Inquisitiveness for Students is A Textbook: Here’s Why

The Foundation of Intellectual Inquisitiveness for Students is A Textbook: Here’s Why

In today’s digital era, the significance of textbooks cannot be overstated. Despite the widespread availability of online information, textbooks remain essential for fostering comprehensive understanding and cognitive growth. As we enter the Digital Age, there’s a common misconception that books will become obsolete due to the abundance of online information. However, this notion couldn’t be …

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The Psychology of Colour in Product Design and Branding

Creating brands with a customer-oriented approach that starts at product design Welcome to a vibrant kaleidoscope of colour psychology, where hues create memorable brands and shades influence emotions to make a product’s design more relatable. Take a journey through the world of brand building and product design and unlock the hidden power colour psychology hold …

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Leaders in Education Sector Award by Indo-American Chamber of Commerce

PHI Learning awarded with “Leaders in the Education Sector” Award   PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. has been conferred with the “Leaders in the Education Sector” Award organized by Indo-American Chamber of Commerce at the 6th Entrepreneur Leadership Awards 2022. The event was organized on 22nd April 2022 on a virtual platform. The award was presented …

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Launch of our new book Human Resource Management: Changing Landscape in Changing Times

Our new book Human Resource Management: Changing Landscape in Changing Times written by Sasmita Rani Samanta, Vice-Chanceller of KIIT, Bhubaneswar and J. P. Mahajan, Executive Director (Academic Publications, Management and Social Sciences) KIIT was launched on 17th April, 2022 during a seminar on “Relevant Education for Building a Sustainable Society organized by World Leadership Academy. …

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Groundbreaking Inventions in Information and Communication Technology – Book Review By Pallavi Ghosh

Our latest publication, “Groundbreaking Inventions in Information and Communication Technology” by V. Rajaraman is an informative and enjoyable read. The book is targeted towards those with a pre-university education and does not require readers to have any prior knowledge on the subject. It aims to provide an overview and historical background of various technological inventions …

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