In Defense of Application-Based Depth: Learn Graph Theory from Textbooks

In today’s digital age, professors often lament the shift towards online resources, noting a preference for quick answers and shortcuts among students. However, from my experience in academic publishing, we have heard from countless professors about the importance of textbooks, especially in intricate subjects like engineering graph theory. Professors frequently voice frustration over students’ preference …

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Effective Study Tips for University Students by Pallavi Ghosh

Strategic Study Planning: Applying Operations Research for Exam Success Let’s all take a moment to acknowledge something we all know too well: exam season can feel like a whirlwind of stress and sleepless nights. As someone who was a student not long ago, I know the feeling of being so confused about where to start. …

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Preserved In The Lens Of Change: A Glimpse of India’s Biodiversity through Digital Storytelling

The Evolution of Education in India: From Textbooks to Multimedia Over the past few years, India has transformed into a rapidly advancing economy, boasting the world’s largest population of young people. With the boost in the number of young people comes a proliferating culture of social media and digital multimedia use. Amidst this cultural evolution, …

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