The Foundation of Intellectual Inquisitiveness for Students is A Textbook: Here’s Why

The Foundation of Intellectual Inquisitiveness for Students is A Textbook: Here’s Why

In today’s digital era, the significance of textbooks cannot be overstated. Despite the widespread availability of online information, textbooks remain essential for fostering comprehensive understanding and cognitive growth. As we enter the Digital Age, there’s a common misconception that books will become obsolete due to the abundance of online information. However, this notion couldn’t be …

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Indian Knowledge System to retain India’s glorious ancient past

India, a land of sages and seers, is well known for its rich cultural heritage and exuberant diversity. Also, it is known as one of the oldest civilizations in the world. In addition, great scholars and scientists of ancient India gave birth to various scientific theories that laid the foundation for modern science and technology. …

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