Empowering All Indians with Accessible Student-Centric Solutions

PHI Learning and top education NGOs across India stand for affordable and  accessible education for all In a rapidly developing nation like India, education is crucial for economic and social progress. Recognizing this, several education-focused NGOs are shaping our educational landscape. Organizations like Teach For India, Pratham Education Foundation, and Room to Read India are …

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Leveraging AI Algorithms for Smart Content Curation and Recommendation Systems

Smart Publishing for a Digital Age: AI Leading the Way In today’s digital age, where an overwhelming amount of content is available at our fingertips, content curation and personalized recommendations have become crucial for engaging audiences and enhancing user experiences. The growing popularity of AI is transforming the way all industries operate, making workflows smoother …

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The Role of Natural Language Processing in Automated Content Generation for Publishers

AI: The Ink of Innovation in the Publishing World Gone are the days of elaborate and thoughtful prose. With the help of natural language processing, publishers are turning data into engaging and user-friendly content. In an era of information overload and increasing demands for fresh, engaging content, publishers are turning to automation to streamline their …

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What is unique about our Shakespeare Series?

Are you an English Literature student studying Shakespeare and love making innovative arguments in your coursework / graded papers and essays? If yes, you should check out PHI Learning’s Shakespeare Series. Our Shakespeare Plays textbooks set themselves apart from others in the market with footnotes and critical essays which provide knowledge-based points of discussion. This …

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Indian scientists develop reactor for cost-effective production of hydrogen using sunlight and water

Indian scientists develop reactor for cost-effective production of hydrogen using sunlight and water

A team of scientists has, for the first time, developed a reactor that produces a substantial amount of hydrogen using sustainable sources like sunlight and water, which is a cost-effective and sustainable process, the Department of Science and Technology (DST) said on Wednesday. Development of large-scale prototype reactors with photocatalysts (suspended powders) and a successful …

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Business Ethics and Value Systems By Dr. Mruthyunjaya

Business Ethics and Value Systems By Dr. Mruthyunjaya

Ethics is just a concept or a thought that stands for Virtue-based discipline of the human mind. Based on its observations, studies, discussions/interactions and experience, the human mind keeps continuously acquiring knowledge and refining the same as and when new information or data is available to enrich its data bank about various issues and aspects. …

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