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PHI Learning

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning

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Pages : 356

Print Book ISBN : 9788195161195
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 795.00  636
You Save : (159)

eBook ISBN : 9788195161126
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 795.00  636
You Save : (159)


What reviewers say

"The technical education has to adopt Outcome-Based Curriculum and there was a dire need of authentic literature which would serve as a base document for scientifically developing OBC. The book reflects the expertise of both the authors who have more than 30 years of experience in industry and academics in designing and implementing different variants of OBC for various technical education programmes. Such a book will serve as a reference for future generations to avoid 're-inventing the wheel again and again." —Dr. M.P. Poonia, Vice-Chairman, AICTE

"National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) Bhopal has been spearheading different forms of OBC for the last five decades in which the authors have contributed substantially. Care has been taken such that this book will not only benefit the Indian engineering education system, but also the engineering teaching fraternity at the international level."—Dr. C. Thangaraj, Director, NITTTR Bhopal


Engineering Education has emerged as a fast developing 'discipline' in itself with universities across the world opening up exclusive 'Departments of Engineering Education' which is also impacting the socio-economic system in India. Most of the engineering institutions in India are part of the 'hub-and-spoke' university education system unique to India. Scientifically developing the 'Outcome-based Curriculum' (OBC) uniformly across India has been a daunting task due to the dearth of an authentic book on OBC addressing the need of the Indian Engineering Education System. This being the first book of its kind in India and with OBC serving as the 'Constitution' of 'Outcome-based Education' (OBE), it will go a long way to address this need. The unique feature of this book is that it is replete with examples to explain the various concepts of planning, designing and implementing the OBC in engineering institutions. Different aspects of Outcome-based Teaching Learning (OBTL) and Outcome-based Assessment (OBA) are also discussed vividly. Apart from the examples weaved into the lucidly written seven chapters, additional examples and important formats are provided in the 'Annexures'; another unique feature of this book. Every engineering UG, PG, or Diploma teacher would be happy to possess a personal copy of this book for 24x7 access which will help to clear their doubts as it arises then and there.


• Teachers of Engineering Institutes Offering UG/PG and Diploma programmes

• Technical Education Policy Makers

• Curriculum Developers/ Instructional System Designers

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