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PHI Learning

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning

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Pages : 832

Print Book ISBN : 9788120348646
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 1595.00  1276
You Save : (319)

eBook ISBN : 9789354432828
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 1595.00  1276
You Save : (319)


Primarily intended as a text for undergraduate courses in Electronics and Communications Engineering, Computer Science, IT courses, and Computer Applications, this up-to-date and accessible text gives an indepth analysis of data communications and computer networks in an easy-to-read style. Though a new title, it is a completely revised and fully updated version of the author’s earlier book Data Communications. The rapid strides made during the last decade in the fields of data communication and networking, and the close link between these two subjects have prompted the author to add several chapters on computer networks in this text.

The book gives a masterly analysis of topics ranging from the principles of data transmission to computer networking applications. It also provides standard protocols, thereby enabling to bridge the gap between theory and practice. What’s more, it correlates the network protocols to the concepts, which are explained with the help of numerous examples to facilitate students’ understanding of the subject.

This well-organized text presents the latest developments in the field and details current topics of interest such as Multicasting, MPLS, IPv6, Gigabit Ethernets, IPSec, SSL, Auto-negotiation, Wireless LANs, Network security, Differentiated services, and ADSL.

Besides students, the practicing professionals would find the book to be a valuable resource.

The book, in its second edition introduces a full chapter on Quality of Service, highlighting the meaning, parameters and functions required for quality of service.

This book is recommended in Kaziranga University, Nagaland, IIT Guwahati, Assam and West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT), West Bengal for B.Tech.

Key Features

• The book is self-contained and student friendly.
• The sequential organization lends flexibility in designing courses on the subject.
• Large number of examples, diagrams and tables illustrate the concepts discussed in the text.
• Numerous exercises (with answers), a list of acronyms, and references to protocol standards.

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