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PHI Learning

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PHI Learning
Managing a Global Workforce Challenges and Opportunities in International Human Resource Management

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Pages : 432

Print Book ISBN : 9788120347946
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 450.00  360
You Save : (90)


This new edition of Managing a Global Workforce provides balanced and contemporary coverage of human resource management in the international marketplace. Directed at future general managers and international executives rather than HR specialists, it is designed to help students as well as professionals recognize the critical human resource issues underlying the cultural and economic challenges they face.

The book’s approach is global in nature, and does not focus solely on the experience of expatriates. The book recognizes contemporary trends in the global business arena, including the growing use of contingent workers, strategic alliances, and offshore outsourcing arrangements, and the need to have an active influence on (if not managing directly) the workforce in these new organizational relationships.

The book serves as a text for courses in international human resource management and is also a useful reference for managers and human resource practitioners.

Key changes in the second edition include
 • new insights and findings from current scholarly research publications;
 • new end-of-chapter short cases that stimulate class discussions pertinent to chapter topics;
 • new topics, ideas, and illustrations featuring current issues and challenges, such as the global economic crisis;
 • updated Internet resource references for each chapter providing enriching, current student learning applications.

“The complexity of international human resource management is daunting. Challenges inherent in managing a global workforce undermine effective strategy implementation for far too many MNCs. Vance and Paik provide tools, frameworks and perspectives to guide and demystify the analysis, understanding, and practice of international human resource management. This textbook is destined to become a classic.”

—Mary B. Teagarden, Editor, Thunderbird International Business Review,
Thunderbird School of Global Management

“The business world is big and complicated and students want more realism learning about it. This book delivers just that. It is difficult to imagine a more practical text, yet Managing a Global Workforce is very accessible and based on solid, up-to-date scientific evidence.”

—Jan Selmer, Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University

“This textbook recognizes the entire global workforce that international firms and leaders manage in today’s increasingly complex and volatile world. It provides an in-depth understanding of the ways these firms can successfully integrate and draw on the talent available across the globe, and is an extremely valuable contribution to students and practitioners of global management.”

—Sully Taylor, Director of International Programs,
School of Business Administration, Portland State University

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