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PHI Learning
Managerial Leadership in Multicultural Organisations

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Pages : 216

Print Book ISBN : 9788120347229
Binding : Hardcover
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 450.00  360
You Save : (90)

eBook ISBN : 9789354436307
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 450.00  360
You Save : (90)


The management and managerial leadership theories of eminent management thinkers, taught in the business schools, are thought-provoking; but relevant, perhaps, only to the era and the environment of their research and development. The effectiveness of these theories needs a re-assessment of their universal application in the globalised environment of the current era. To put it differently, traditional leadership styles of managers are being put to test in a culturally complex environment. The objective of this book is to evolve an effective managerial leadership to match the demands of the multicultural organisations, through  a  down-to-earth  tangible  and  practical  approach.

Unifying the diverse categories of employees with different value systems, attitudes, lifestyles, behaviour patterns and linguistic abilities, is a complex and inescapable challenge to the managerial leadership. What we fail to notice is the significance of the power of positive managerial leadership–what is appropriate and what is outdated. The book contains numerous absolutely progressive and innovative concepts, methods and approaches which could help reorient managerial leadership behaviour of global managers and re-architect the organisations to which they belong. The author has undertaken detailed analysis of some of the important management theories taught in business schools, including their strengths  and  weaknesses.

The book clarifies, conceptualises and recommends significant aspects of institutionalised positive managerial leadership in organisations. The important milestones are influence of culture on employee behaviour, positive organisational culture, profile of positive managerial leadership, their changing motivational roles, organisational assimilations of multicultural employees, new approach to employee welfare and some suggestions to evolve a future-ready achievable dream organisation. 

The following fresh concepts have been integrated with the discussion in the book:
•    Environmental Energy Effects (3Es); and their effects on organisational  culture.
•    Emotional Environmental Energy Effects (E3Es) and their influence  on  interpersonal  relationships.
•    Therapy for Quality of Life (TQL), a well-researched concept for actualising and operationalising the manager's concern for employees  and  their  families.
•    Managing by Influence, a wholesome method of motivating and leading employees for raising their performance standard and dynamically contributing  to  their  organisation.

This book responds to the dynamic issues confronting the existing and emerging work culture in the corporate world. It is an ideal source for the management students, engineering students and the practising managers to gain a solid understanding of complex problems of modern managerial  leadership,  the  subject  matter  of  this  book.

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