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PHI Learning

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning

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Pages : 640

Print Book ISBN : 9788120340893
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 395.00  316
You Save : (79)

eBook ISBN : 9789354435355
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 395.00  316
You Save : (79)


Intended as a textbook on graphics at undergraduate and postgraduate level, the primary objective of the book is to seamlessly integrate the theory of Computer Graphics with its implementation. The theory and implementation aspects are designed concisely to suit a semester-long course. Students of BE/BTech level of Computer Science, Information Technology and related disciplines will not only learn the basic theoretical concepts on Graphics, but also learn the modifications necessary in order to implement them in the discrete space of the computer screen. Practising engineers will find this book helpful as the C program implementations available in this book could be used as kernel to build a graphics system. This book is also suitable for the students of M.Sc. (Computer Science) and Computer Applications (BCA/MCA). To suit the present day need, the C implementations are done for Windows operating system exposing students to important concepts of message-driven programming. For wider acceptability, Dev C++ (an open source integrated windows program development environment) versions of the implementations of graphics programs are also included in the companion CD-ROM.

This book introduces the students to Windows programming and explains the building blocks for the implementation of computer graphics algorithms. It advances on to elaborate the two-dimensional geometric transformations and the design and implementation of the algorithms of line drawing, circle drawing, drawing curves, filling and clipping. In addition, this well-written text describes three-dimensional graphics and hidden surface removal algorithms and their implementations. Finally, the book discusses illumination and shading along with the Phong illumination model.

Key Features :

Includes fundamental theoretical concepts of computer graphics.

Contains C implementations of all basic computer graphics algorithms.

Teaches Windows programming and how graphics algorithms can be tailor-made for implementations in message-driven architecture.

Offers chapter-end exercises to help students test their understanding.

Gives a summary at the end of each chapter to help students overview the key points of the text.

Includes a companion CD containing C programs to demonstrate the implementation of graphics algorithms.

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