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Pages : 480

Print Book ISBN : 9788120339736
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 895.00  716
You Save : (179)

eBook ISBN : 9789354436918
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 895.00  716
You Save : (179)


Building good industrial relations is so crucial for any industrial organization. Harmonious relationship between employers and employees (who are the best assets of any organization) contributes to greater productivity and growth. This comprehensive and well-organized text gives an in-depth analysis of the fundamental principles and practice of industrial relations as well as the implementation of labour welfare measures, the social security systems and labour laws, such as the Trade Union Act, 1926, the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, and the Mines Act, 1952. It focuses on the Indian context within the larger global scenario.

Divided into four parts—Part I, Industrial Relations; Part II, Industrial Disputes; Part III, Labour Welfare; and Part IV, Safety and Occupational Health, the book provides a detailed discussion on labour-management relations, different aspects of trade unions, and their management and legislative background. Dr. Sivarethinamohan gives a masterly analysis of the major areas of industrial relations, namely, industrial disputes and their resolution, the philosophy of labour welfare as well as the statutory and non-statutory measures for labour welfare, the Government machinery for labour welfare, and collective bargaining which contributes in a significant way to better industrial relations. In the concluding part, the author dwells on industrial accidents and safety for preventing industrial disasters, mines safety and safety management, industrial hygiene, workplace discipline, counselling and the legal framework for industrial safety and health.

Key Features :

Each chapter starts with a case study written in a story style for a better grasp of the chapter.

Provides Case Studies to illustrate the theories discussed.

Two Appendices at the end of the book provide the complete text of Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, and Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970.

The book’s website, https://www.phindia.com/srm , gives more real-time cases, experimental cases and cases relating to the subject decided by the courts of India as well as those of other countries.

Primarily intended as a text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of management and commerce, the book would also be useful to the students pursuing courses in chartered accountancy, ICWA courses, and diploma courses in industrial relations and labour laws. In addition, practising managers should find this book very useful.

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