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PHI Learning

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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning
Probability, Statistics and Queuing Theory

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Pages : 840

Print Book ISBN : 9788120338449
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 1595.00  1276
You Save : (319)

eBook ISBN : 9789354438028
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 1595.00  1276
You Save : (319)


Probability, Statistics and Queuing Theory is considered to be a ‘tough’ subject by most engineering and science students all over the world. What Professor Sundarapandian with his indepth knowledge and rich and long experience strives to do is to make the concepts very clear and comprehensible to the students by his lucid presentation and illustrative approach.

The book analyses various types of random processes, spectral density functions and their applications to linear systems. Besides, it deals with the basics of queuing theory with a clear exposition of the five important queuing models. The text gives a detailed description of such topics as random variables, standard probability distribution, central limit theorem, random processes and spectral theory.

The text is profusely illustrated with examples and diagrams so as to make this rigorous subject more understandable to the students.


The text is comprehensive and the presentation practical.

Over 625 worked-out Examples, and over 440 Problem Sets.

Answers to all section-end problems.

Intended primarily as a text for undergraduate students of Engineering for their courses on Probability, Statistics, Random Processes and Queuing Theory, the book will also be extremely useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Science and postgraduate students of Engineering pursuing these courses.

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