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PHI Learning

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PHI Learning
JAVASERVER FACES : A Practical Approach for Beginners

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Pages : 360

Print Book ISBN : 9788120337091
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 325.00  260
You Save : (65)

eBook ISBN : 9789354436857
Ebook Status : Pre-order
Ebook Price : 325.00  260
You Save : (65)


Based on a standard web-application framework, JavaServer Faces (JSF), this book provides a step-by-step practical approach to understand the basic controls of JSF and its real life applications. It includes examples which help to apply different techniques provided by JSF such as tags, converters and validators in real life situations.

The book begins with an introduction to JavaServer Faces architecture, its lifecycle, its main components and the installation steps of the softwares required to run and implement JSF. Further it covers expression language and its use to access Managed Bean attributes, and a practical usage of different components like text field, text area, command button, menu, checkbox and so on. Every component is explained with a program as they act as a building block for any web application. Finally it discusses all the steps required in creating two custom components: label component and email component. The creation and deployment of RichFaces and Ajax4Jsf application are also explained step-by-step.

Key Features

Provides the use of latest available IDE: NetBeans IDE 6.0/6.1 for making JSF based web application.

Gives step-by-step approach for creating custom converters, validators and components.

Elaborates the use of Ajax and its advantages in web applications.

Primarily intended for the software professionals, this book will also be useful to the students of computer science and engineering (B.Tech and M.Tech), and master of computer applications (MCA).

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