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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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VINOD CHANDRA S.S., PhD, is Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Kerala. He is head of Machine Intelligence Research (MIR), a pinpoint research group in machine learning and nature-inspired techniques. Dr. Vinod is leading many research and development projects associated with universities and the government and holds many consultancy activities for government organizations. He has five IPRs and a patent in the field of machine learning. An author of six books and a modest number of research publications, he is a reviewer of many international journals and conferences. His research area includes machine intelligence algorithms and nature-inspired computing.

ANAND HAREENDRAN S., PhD, is Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Muthoot Institute of Technology and Science, Kochi. He has designed and implemented various rule-mining algorithms, which find application in medical field, route mapping and frequent item search. Dr. Anand is an author of two books, a modest number of research journal publications, and has two IPRs in machine learning algorithms. He is a reviewer in various international conferences and journals, and is an active member of Machine Intelligence Research (MIR) group. His current area of research includes algorithms on machine learning, association rule mining and bio-inspired methodologies.

Hareendran S., Anand


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