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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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Childhood and Growing Up - ABOUT AUTHOR(S)

S.K. Mangal, Ph.D. (Education), has held positions as Principal, Professor, and Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies at C.R. College of Education in Rohtak, Haryana.

Dr. Mangal is the author of several books associated with the pure and applied aspect of the subject psychology, including, Essentials of Educational Psychology, Advanced Educational Psychology, Emotional Intelligence: Managing Emotions to Win in Life, Research Methodology in Behavioural Sciences, Statistics in Psychology and Education, Psychology of Learning and Development, Psychology for Nursing, Psychology for Physiotherapy, General Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Child Psychology and Development, Sports Psychology, Essentials of Social Psychology, and Essentials of Clinical Psychology. Dr. Mangal has been a distinguished administrator and researcher. He has devised various educational and psychological tests and has published in reputed journals. The areas of his research interest are emotional intelligence and teacher adjustment.

Shubhra Mangal, Ph.D. (Education), has held positions as Principal, Professor, and Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies at C.R.S. College of Education, Noida. She has developed an Emotional Intelligence Inventory for measuring the Emotional Intelligence of School Teachers. Besides, she has authored several books associated with the pure and applied aspect of the subject psychology, including Psychology of Learning and Development, Research Methodology in Behavioural Sciences, Emotional Intelligence: Managing Emotions to Win in Life, Introduction to Psychology, Psychology and Our Life, Sports Psychology, Essentials of Social Psychology, and Essentials of Clinical Psychology. Her research interests encompass emotional intelligence and teacher education.



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