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Engineering Chemistry - ABOUT AUTHOR(S)

P.R. VIJAYASARATHY, Ph.D. (IISc, Bangalore), is Professor at Adarsha Institute of Technology, Bangalore. Earlier, he has served as Professor and Head of the Department in several engineering colle ges, including Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore, BNM Institute of Technology, Bangalore, and Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore.

A member of Indian society for Technical Education, he has worked as Senior Post-doctoral Fellow at State University of New York, Stony Brook, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Tulane University, New Orleans and University of Exeter, England. His name has been included in Indo-US Scientists Who is Who. He has worked as Senior Research Fellow in Aeronautical Engineering Department at Indian Institute of Science on Rocket Propellents. Besides, Dr. Vijayasarathy has 30 years of teaching experience and 14 years of research experience.

His research interests include Organic Synthesis, Rocket Propellants, Carcinogenic Compounds such as Phorbol Esters and Histrionicotoxins.



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