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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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M.T. SOMASHEKARA, Ph.D., is with the Department of Computer Science and Applications, Bangalore University, Bengaluru. He has vast teaching experience spreading over two decades both at UG and PG levels. He has authored two other titles Object Oriented Programming with C++ and Object Oriented Programming with JAVA, all published by PHI Learning, Delhi. He is a life member of several professional bodies such as IUPRAI, ISTE, CSI and ISCA. He has several research papers to his credit which have appeared in reputed national and international journals. His areas of interest include data structures, algorithms, programming languages, pattern recognition, image processing and computational biology.

D.S. GURU, Ph.D., is with the Department of Studies in Computer Science, University of Mysore, Mysuru. He has been a fellow of BOYSCAST and a visiting research scientist at Michigan State University. He has authored 60 research papers in journals and 204 peer-reviewed conference papers at international and national levels. He is the recipient of the best publication award (ARP) by Vision Group of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka (2010). He is a life member of several professional bodies such as IUPRAI, ISTE, CSI and ISCA. His research interests include object recognition, image retrieval, shape analysis, sign language recognition, biometrics and symbolic data analysis.

K.S. MANJUNATHA, Ph.D., is with the Department of Computer Science, Maharani's Science College for Women, Mysuru. He has vast teaching experience extending over two decades both at UG and PG levels. He has a couple of research publications to his credit. His areas of interest include image processing and pattern recognition, data structures, design of algorithms, database applications, biometrics and symbolic data analysis.



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