A.S. Muktibodh is Head, Department of Mathematics, Mohota Science College, Nagpur University. He has 23 years of teaching experience and has published three books: A Handbook of Mathematical Formulae, Linear Algebra, and Ordinary Differential Equations. S.D. Mohgaonkar, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Shri Ramdeobaba Kamala Nehru Engineering College, Nagpur University.
S.D. Mohgaonkar, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Shri Ramdeobaba Kamala Nehru Engineering College, Nagpur University.
Ushri Datta is former Vice Principal and Head, Department of Mathematics, Hislop College, Nagpur University. She has more than 38 years of teaching experience at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She has authored six books on Mathematics. A.S. Muktibodh is Head, Department of Mathematics, Mohota Science College, Nagpur University. He has 23 years of teaching experience and has published three books: A Handbook of Mathematical Formulae, Linear Algebra, and Ordinary Differential Equations. S.D. Mohgaonkar, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Shri Ramdeobaba Kamala Nehru Engineering College, Nagpur University.