Effective Study Tips for University Students by Pallavi Ghosh

Strategic Study Planning: Applying Operations Research for Exam Success

Let’s all take a moment to acknowledge something we all know too well: exam season can feel like a whirlwind of stress and sleepless nights. As someone who was a student not long ago, I know the feeling of being so confused about where to start. I remember not knowing which subjects or modules to prioritize or how much time to dedicate to each topic.

Feeling the same way? You’re not alone.

Planning your exam study schedule can be a pain! “Next-level” problems like exam-time schedule planning require “next-level” solutions and I’ve got the perfect one for all students of Operations Management.

Disclaimer: Don’t take it too seriously! This blog is inspired by the time I found an Operations Management text, looked up the topics covered under it, and realized how many real-life applications OR techniques can have.

It struck me that many links can be found between OR and day-to-day planning tasks like exam time-table planning.

The weight of impending exams hangs heavy in the air? Can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of topics yet to be learned? Borrow a page from your own book!

Turn Exam Studies Into Project Management with PERT

PERT might sound like a mouthful of jargon, but, if you are a student of OR, they’re the secret weapons you never knew you needed.

PERT stands for Project Evaluation and Review Technique. It’s a project management tool used to analyze and represent the tasks involved in completing a project, their dependencies, and the time required to complete each task.

If you are a student of OR, you’d know just what to do! List out all the topics yet to be covered in your Operations Research syllabus and systematically organize the whole thing using PERT techniques!

Time Management with Sequencing and Scheduling

Ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to cover all that exam material? Enter sequencing and scheduling techniques, your newfound allies in the battle against time.

Sequencing involves determining the optimal order of tasks to achieve specific goals, while scheduling assigns specific start and end times to activities to ensure efficient resource allocation and meet deadlines. When planning your study sessions, applying sequencing and scheduling techniques can help you manage your time effectively.

Struggling to identify which sections in your book to take up first or how long you should spend studying each task in order to complete your syllabus on time? Borrow a page from your own book and try sequencing and scheduling and crack the code of time management.

Applying the Power of Scenario Analysis

We’ve all questioned if our study methods are effective. Scenario analysis lets you test different strategies and determine the most successful ones.

By identifying key variables like study time and materials, you can assess how they impact your learning outcomes. Through experimentation and adjustment, you can optimize your study routine and maximize success.

Sounds counterproductive – I know. How can you test out and analyze your study habits using the same concept / theory that you happen to be learning? Don’t take it too seriously – you’re not OR expert! This is just my take on an innovative and hands-on way to make learning fun, apply what you learn, and achieve something useful too!

Why not try this innovative approach to learning? Create a study plan based on scenario analysis and see the results for yourself. It’s a hands-on way to make learning enjoyable and effective.

The tips provided are the author’s own opinion and experience.

Learn more about techniques used in operations research

operations research book by srinivasan

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