People Management Skills Every Manager Needs To Succeed

Success as a manager will primarily depend on Soft Skills. What is this talent that means more than experience and technical prowess combined? Three words: people management skills.

Crucial People Management Skills


Patience is one of those skills that everyone thinks they have until work gets tough. Some are indeed born with more patience than others, but that does not mean one cannot develop the ability to keep a level head in a stressful situation.

Good Communication

People Management Skills Every Manager Needs To Succeed

  • Ability to get along with others
  • Ability to persuade others
  • Ability to get others to listen to your ideas
  • Clarity of what you say

Ability To Relate

Business is all about people. So being able to relate to other viewpoints is vital to success, whether you’re a manager or not. When you can view a situation from a perspective that is not your own — and communicate that you see the value in that perspective — you avoid misunderstandings.


Flexibility means understanding that there are often multiple ways to complete a task. Just because one team member chooses to tackle a problem differently than you would have does not mean that the approach is wrong. There may be a more efficient way to get the job done, but in most cases, it is the results that matter. Flexibility also means being able to adjust quickly to changing circumstances. 


Being a manager is all about trust. You have to trust that your team members have the business’s best interest at heart. You have to trust that they will work together to complete any task that comes their way. And finally, you have to trust that all of this will happen without your constant supervision.

Interest In Others

We all want to connect on one level or another, and the best way to do that is by showing interest in others. During your conversations, and for as long as possible thereafter, keep track of pertinent information about your team members. Moreover, always remember names, dates, and important events in each person’s life.

Ability To Listen

As a person in a leadership position, take the time to listen to what your team members have to say without interrupting. Then think about what you want to say before responding. This type of active listen-and-respond is not always easy, but with practice, it can make a difference in how you communicate with your team members and how they communicate with you.

Good Judgment

The foundation of good judgment is:

  • Looking at the world around you
  • Listening to what others have to say
  • Learning from that information

Because good judgment is based on sensory signals, it is often described as a “gut feeling.” And that is not wrong. Your unconscious mind can process these signals much faster than your conscious mind.

An Open Mind

When you keep an open mind—and make sure that your team members know you have an open mind—it creates trust and respect. Your employees will know that their viewpoint, their feedback, and their suggestions are valued and will be used if at all possible.

Leadership Skills

One of the most influential people management skills you can develop is the ability to lead effectively. Effective leaders motivate their team to do great things. You can develop and strengthen your leadership skills. All it takes is an understanding of what motivates your team members, a willingness to make improvements, and plenty of practice.

Problem-Solving Skills

Being a manager means solving problems. It is the foundation of your job. You have to figure out the problems you must resolve. Without strong problem-solving skills, you’ll never get anything done. So be proactive. If you see a way to improve upon an existing process or you recognize a potential problem before it becomes a real issue, take steps to fix the situation. And if you need to develop your problem-solving skills better, ask a friend, mentor, or higher-up to help you improve.

Ability To Adapt

Flexibility and adaptability may seem like the same thing, but they are actually very different. While flexibility means acknowledging the myriad ways to get things done, adaptability means rolling with the changing circumstances.
Within the business itself, an effective leader with strong management skills needs to be able to adapt the leadership style to the personalities on the team. In a broader sense, the leader must also be able to adapt to new opportunities and new challenges.

Macro Management

Macro management is an independent style of organization. Managers step back and give employees the freedom to do their jobs how they see fit. As long as employees reach the desired result, the manager does not have to “hold their hands” or hover over their shoulders looking for mistakes.  It is suitable for the team members because it gives them the freedom to solve problems, perfect their skills, and become the best team member they can be.


Accountability means taking responsibility for your work and the work of your team. As a manager, you serve as a role model for everyone on your team. If you claim accountability when the job is going well but pass the buck when the job is going badly, your team members will notice.
Effective managers take responsibility for failures as well as successes. If the failures begin to outnumber the successes, the manager will take steps to fix the root cause of the problem and inspire their team to improve.


As a manager, you are the leader of your team. This means, at some point, one of your team members may come to you with problems and questions. You need to give guidance and direction. Being open and approachable — even when you are already busy — is the quality that builds goodwill, positivity, and loyalty in your team.

Source Credit:

Fr. McGrath, with his masterly skills and wealth of experience, tells in his book Basic Managerial Skills how management skills can be fully developed and mastered. This book, published by PHI Learning discusses the basic skills of Management and Leadership. The assumption of the book is that the human person is by nature a manager and has leadership and managerial skills that can and should be continually developed.

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