Pages: 724
Binding: Paper Back
ISBN: 978-81-203-4850-9
Pages: 724
Binding: Paper Back
Price: R 695.00
NOW! Available in: R 556.00

About The Book

This comprehensive book provides a detailed account of the plant breeding methodology, covering particularly pre- and post-Green Revolution era. It elaborates on plant breeding and gene manipulation, utilization of self-incompatibility in developing hybrids, different plant breeding methods for development of crop varieties and hybrids in self- and cross-pollinated crops, nature of gene action and genotype–environment interaction. The text discusses gene manipulation in the crop plant and transfer of genes from wild species to cultivated crops, application of biotechnology in plant breeding, and genetic engineering and transgenic molecular markers as breeding tools and their limitations. It concludes with a discussion on physiologic breeding approach and new plant ideotype concepts which are new and emerging areas of interest in plant breeding research.

The book will be of immense use to undergraduate and postgraduate students of Agricultural Sciences and Botany for their course study. Besides, research scholars and professionals will also find the book as an excellent source of reference.




Part I: Plant Breeding and Gene Manipulation—1. Plant Breeding and Gene Manipulation. 2. Plant Breeding History. 3. Plant Domestication, Introduction and Acclimatization. 4. Pattern of Evolution of Crop Plants and Centre of Origin. 5. Plant Genetic Resources. 6. Mode of Reproduction in Crop Plants. 7. Genetic Basis of Plant Breeding. 8. Genetics Consequences of Self- and Cross-fertilization. 9. Mating Systems and their Genetic Consequences. 10. Importance of Self-incompatibility and Sterility in Plant Breeding. 11. Qualitative and Quantitative Inheritance and their Genetic Behaviour in Segregating Population. 12. Genetic Component of Variances. 13. Genotype–Environment Interaction Variances.

Part II: CONVENTIONAL BREEDING METHODS—14. Early Plant Breeding Methods in Self-pollinated, Cross-pollinated and Asexually Propagated Crops. 15. Breeding Methods in Self-pollinated Crops. 16. Breeding Methods in Cross-pollinated Crops. 17. Inbreeding Depression and Heterosis. 18. Population Improvement. 19. Heterosis Breeding, Concept and Theories. 20. Scope of Hybrid Breeding in Rice and Wheat. 21. Breeding Crop Varieties for Wider Adaptation and Stability in Performance. 22. Selection. 23. Selection Methods.

Part III: NON-CONVENTIONAL BREEDING APPROACH—24. Mutation Breeding. 25. Polyploidy and Distant Hybridization in Plant Breeding. 26. Aneuploids and Chromosome Manipulation in Plant Breeding. 27. Application of Plant Biotechnology in Plant Breeding. 28. Plant Genetic Engineering and Transgenic Crops (Genetically Modified Crops). 29. Role of Molecular Markers in Plant Breeding.

Part IV: BREEDING FOR STRESS RESISTANCE—30. Breeding for Resistance to Biological and Non-Biological Stresses. 31. Mechanism of Disease Resistance. 32. Plant Breeding History and Advances for Disease Resistance in Crop Plants. 33. Plant Breeding History and Advances in Insect Pest Resistance. 34. Plant Breeding for Abiotic Stresses.

35. Breeding to Improve Grain Quality in Crop Plants. 36. Quality Seed Production.

Part V: BREEDING FOR FUTURE—37. Physiological Breeding Approach to Enhance Crop Yield. 38. Plant Ideotype Breeding.

Part VI: STATISTICAL AND BIOMETRICAL METHODS USED IN PLANT BREEDING—39. Breeding Wheat Varieties for Heat Tolerance. 40. Simple Statistical Measures—Frequency Distribution, Mean, Mode, Medium. 41. Measurement of Genetic Variability in Quantitative Traits. 42. Importance of Combining Ability in Plant Breeding.



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