eBooks and Their AdvantagesSimply put, eBooks are books that are available in digital format. The major advantage of eBooks is that they are eco-friendly as they do not require trees to be cut down for produce or manufacture them. Most of PHI Learning titles are now also available in eBook format. These eBooks can be …

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Astronomers May Have Spotted Another Neutron Star Merger In 2017, gravitational waves and light were observed coming from the merger of a pair of neutron stars. The discovery proved that gravitational wave sources could also be viewed at visible, X-ray, and even gamma-ray wavelengths, but has remained the only such event observed to date. Now, …

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“It’s OK not to be OK” “It’s OK not to be OK”. Abilities have different contours, and have shaped the destiny of mankind beyond imagination.  Dyslexia is one such ability which deprives a child of a ‘Reading Brain’. Though gifted with an ability to understand complex ideas, the manner in which the dyslexics grasp and …

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