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PHI Learning

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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning
Practical JSF Project using NetBeans

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Pages : 336

Print Book ISBN : 9788120338562
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 295.00  236
You Save : (59)

eBook ISBN : 9789354433573
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 295.00  236
You Save : (59)


Java Server Faces (JSF) is a new exciting technology used for developing web applications. It supports Rapid Application Development (RAD) style of application development and provides APIs and tag libraries to build web-based user interfaces. NetBeans provides a list of controls, properties, menus, database access etc. to enable web developers to develop powerful Java-based applications with ease.

This compact book explains how to use different components of JSF in NetBeans IDE in developing a web application. It describes the techniques of data storage and retrieval using MySQL database tables, session handling and navigation between web pages. In addition, this text presents a real-life web application ‘Shopping Cart’ project and its functions in a step-by-step manner to help the readers understand the concepts discussed.

The book is specially suitable for students of computer science, computer applications, computer science and engineering, and information and communication technology. Besides, it can serve the needs of students of all other engineering disciplines for their project/thesis work related to Java-based applications. The text is also useful for software developers, trainees and professionals.

Key Features :

Screenshots are included for each step.

Coding used in different modules is explained in detail.

Designing of the back-end database is described using MySQL server.

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